Encounter Christ • Grow as Disciples • Share the Gospel


As Jesus set out to build the church, he had to begin by establishing the group of disciples, among whom he would choose the apostles. While a disciple is a follower, an apostle is one who carries the mission forth to others. The familiar pattern through which Jesus called the first disciples captures the value of an encounter with Him. Come follow me. These are the words that every disciple of Christ must respond to in order to begin an intimate relationship with God. We must first and foremost encounter Christ. We must be determined to follow him. In today’s Catholic piety, this encounter is manifested in our relationship with the Most Holy Eucharist and the celebration of the sacraments. At Saint Lawrence, we take great pride in our DEVOTION to the Most Holy Eucharist and celebration of the sacraments, because these offer us an opportunity to encounter the loving face of Christ and to receive God’s saving grace and mercy. In Eucharistic adoration, reverent celebration of the Mass and confessions, our faith comes to life because we encounter Jesus, the one who suffered, died and rose for us.


Just like the human person, the church is also an organic entity, subject to the logic of development and growth. Our initial and ongoing encounter with Christ ought to spur in us both the desire and means to grow as his disciples. This growth is sustained by a robust intellectual and spiritual FORMATION in our faith. The richness of our Catholic faith is a treasure still hidden and unknown to too many. To be faithful disciples is to grow in the knowledge of him who calls us. St. Lawrence parish offers many opportunities for us to grow as disciples. Our faith formation sessions are excellent

because they cover a wide variety of topics ranging from spirituality, doctrine, apologetics and morality. We make a conscious effort to assist and support the spiritual growth of every person in all dimensions of human life.


Before Jesus returned to the Father in His Ascension, His final summon to His followers was to go into the world and to preach the good news. The Church’s mandate is defined and directed by the task and mission to bring Christ to all. We recognize that the growing forces of secularization and the intensification of religious indifference make this task more challenging today than in times past. But we also draw strength and comfort from the witness of the early Christian community whose identity was grounded in their love for one another. At St. Lawrence, we seek to build community by inviting everyone to get involved in the different ministries of the parish. We believe that our PARTICIPATION in parish life is a practical way by which we can share our gifts with others for the sake of the Gospel. We realize that genuine love and friendship can be established if we come together to build God’s kingdom here on earth.

Through devotion, formation and participation, we are fully alive because they help us to encounter Christ, grow as disciples and share the Gospel.

St. Lawrence Parish Prayer

Leader: Our help is in the name of the Lord

All: Who made heaven and earth!

Leader: Lord, hear our prayer

All: And let our cry come to you!

Leader: Let us pray:

All: Heavenly Father, we praise and bless your holy name.  Through your Son, Jesus Christ, you call us to share in your divine life. Bless our parish family and help us to welcome all who come here. Through our devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist, may we seek your face and always experience your loving presence in our lives. Give us the grace to know and love you above all things and to serve all those we encounter with humility and patience. Through the intercession of Mary our Blessed Mother and the example of St. Lawrence our patron, inspire us to bring your mercy and hope to all. May we commit daily to encounter Christ, grow as disciples and share the Gospel.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen

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